CUI Tianxiang

CUI Tianxiang

PhD Student in Psychology

University of Macau


Welcome to my website! I’m CUI Tianxiang (崔天祥), a PhD student in the Department of Psychology, University of Macau, supervised by Prof. TONG Kwok Kit. I’m also a research assistant in SCI-Cream Lab at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, working under Prof. HE Jinbo’s supervision.

I served as a part-time translator at Chengdu Language Bridge Translation Co.,Ltd. from 2020 to 2021. One of the accomplishments was the translation (from English to Chinese) of The Story of Pokémon in 2021, which is now available on Chinese platforms in 2023 (I’ve been a fan of Pokémon since primary school). In my leisure time, I enjoy reading, practicing calligraphy, listening to music, singing, etc.

  • Body Image
  • Eating Behaviors
  • Quantitative Methods in Psychology
  • PhD in Psychology, 2022-2026 (anticipated)

    University of Macau

  • MSc in Applied Psychology, 2019-2021

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

  • BEcon in Economics, 2015-2019

    Huaqiao University



statistical analysis (lavaan, psych, metafor, etc.)


Mandarin (native), English (fluent), Cantonese (intermediate)


SEM, meta, etc.


SCIentific and Creative Research on Eating, Appetite and Media (Sci-cream) Lab
Research Assistant
Oct 2019 – Present Shenzhen, China
  • Screened questionnaires to identify outliers.
  • Created EpiData (a handy tool for data input) templates.
  • Data analysis (conducted meta-analysis, EFA, CFA, multi-group mediation analysis using R; will learn LGM and MLM soon).
  • Helped review and revise undergraduates’ manuscripts and advisors’ Research Grant Application Forms.
  • Translated documents (e.g., scale items localization).
  • Participated in scale development (discussed semantic meanings of items with advisor and lab members; collected data for primary analysis).
  • Have been responsible for website maintenance (see my GitHub repo for details:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Teaching Assistant for HSS1009 [Mathematics (Humanities and Social Sciences)]
Jan 2020 – May 2021 Shenzhen, China
  • Taught operations of SPSS.
  • Prepared answers and rubrics for assignments and exams.
  • Graded assignments and exams.
Department of Education, University of Oxford
Research Assistant
Oct 2020 – Nov 2020 Shenzhen, China
  • Participated in child assessment in kindergartens in Shenzhen with other members of the project (Project: Exploring Teacher Instruction and Children’s Learning in Chinese Kindergartens; Primary researcher: HUANG Runke).
Shenzhen Weining Dyslexia Education Center
Teaching Assistant
Sep 2020 – Nov 2020 Shenzhen, China
  • Interacted with students in class.
  • Made record for each class and each student (e.g., initiative, behaviors, languages, emotions in the classroom; level of mastery of the content of the previous lesson) for future assessment.
  • Prepared teaching materials (e.g., word cards for teaching) before class.


(2021). The Effect of Music on Food Intake: A Meta-Analysis. The 3rd Annual Academic Conference of Music Psychology Committee of Chinese Psychological Society.
