Assessing Hedonic Hunger Among Chinese Adults Using the Power of Food Scale: Psychometric properties and cross-cultural invariance and differences between China and the US
Hedonic hunger refers to food consumption for pleasure without biological energy deficits. The Power of Food Scale (PFS) is a well-developed self-report instrument assessing hedonic hunger. The present study aimed to translate and validate the PFS into simplified Chinese (C-PFS) and examine its psychometric properties among Chinese adults. A total of 773 participants (51.1 % men, M age = 24.98 years, SD = 6.10) were recruited in the present study from college and community populations. Consistent with the previous studies, confirmatory factor analysis showed that the C-PFS had three factors: food present, food available, and food tasted. In addition, a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.92 and an ICC of 0.86 suggested that the C-PFS has good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. In terms of convergent validity, the scores of C-PFS correlated significantly with disordered eating symptomatology and loss of control over eating. Measurement invariance tests showed that the C-PFS was invariant across gender and sample source groups in the Chinese sample. In addition, a U.S. sample of 490 college students (26.6 % men, M age = 21.41 years, SD = 5.45) was used to test the measurement invariance across countries, and results suggested a partial invariance across college students from China and those from the U.S. In conclusion, the C-PFS can be a useful tool for measuring hedonic hunger among adults in China, and there may be cultural differences in the measurement of the PFS in college students across China and the U.S.