A Few Notes on Doing Meta-analysis

CUI Tianxiang



  • Intro

  • Preparations

  • Data Analysis

A Brief Intro

To perform a meta-analysis we compute an effect size and variance for each study, and then compute a weighted mean of these effect sizes.

— (Borenstein et al., 2009)


  • The relationship between two constructs

  • The effect of an intervention

  • The structure of a model


  • Refer to previous meta-analyses


  • Use “*” when variations are needed (e.g., therap* includes therapy, therapies, theraputic, etc.)

  • Use "" to include pharses (e.g., “body image”)

  • Use “AND” and “OR” correctly



  • PsycINFO, Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT)
    • Focus on title and abstract
    • Records (with abstract) → files (RIS / Bibtex…) → reference manager (Zotero / Endnote / Mendeley …)
  • Google Scholar and included articles (check the references)



  • Remove duplicates (Zotero seems to work better, but is not perfect)
  • Screen title and abstract of the literature by yourself or cooperate with another student (create a shared library or export half of the literature)
  • Download potentially qualified articles

Selection Criteria

  • General inclusion criteria & exclusion criteria

    • Include English articles, exclude review articles and qualitative studies…
  • Specific criteria

    • Depend on the topic

Selection Criteria

Record Important Information

  • Search results
    • Keywords and references
    • Time period (you may need to search literature twice or even three times)
    • Number of articles (total, after removing duplicates, after checking titles and abstracts, after checking the full texts)

Flow Diagram



  • Author (s) & year
  • Publication year
  • Publication type
  • Country / region
  • Mean age
  • Study design
  • Effect size & variance

Effect Size

Inter-coder Reliability

Quality Assessment

  • Refer to previous studies when choosing tools

  • Two coders (code independently then discuss)

Data Analysis

  • R & metafor
  • Consider a three-level meta-analysis when a single study is likely to contain multiple effect sizes
    • Heterogeneity from three levels of variance: the sampling variance of effect sizes, within-study variance, and the between-study variance
    • Assink & Wibbelink, 2016

Outliers & Pooled effect sizes

  • Baujat plots and influential case diagnostics

  • A pooled effect size with outliers excluded

  • Forest plot for the effect sizes


heterogeneity among effect sizes

  • Q statistics (p < .05) indicate a significant heterogeneity

  • Meta-regression analyses of potential moderators (age, region, data source, etc.)

    • For continuous variables, at least 10 effect sizes (Higgins et al., 2019)

    • For categorical variables, at least 3 effect sizes for the subgroup of a variable

Publication Bias

  • Funnel plots

  • The p-uniform* method

Thank you for your listening!